JPM Recommends Leizer Goldsmith
“…I feel compelled to write a note of thanks. From the moment that I met with you regarding my difficult employment situation, I sensed that you were a rare breed of attorney. Having been wrongfully sued by my former employer is certainly traumatic. But, for the conclusion of the matter to be that they pay damages as a result of the mediated settlement, can be described as sweet success. Yet beyond thanking you for the successful outcome, I must thank you for the integrity of the process you utilized to gain our win. First, your caring attitude for my situation truly differentiated you from ever attorney I have used in the past. Second, your knowledge of employment and contract law kept research expenses minimized. Third, your strategic analysis of my case so to optimize our negotiating position focusced me on a realistic expectation for resolution of the matter. I greatly appreciate your process, which is a reflection of your personal integrity…”